Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Understanding tires and how they can keep you safe

Tire tread....it is what will keep you safe while driving.

According to the NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration):
Tire Tread
"The tire tread provides the gripping action and traction that prevent your vehicle from slipping or sliding, especially when the road is wet or icy. In general, tires are not safe and should be replaced when the tread is worn down to 1/16 of an inch. Tires have built-in treadwear indicators that let you know when it is time to replace your tires. These indicators are raised sections spaced intermittently in the bottom of the tread grooves. When they appear "even" with the outside of the tread, it is time to replace your tires. Another method for checking tread depth is to place a penny in the tread with Lincoln's head upside down and facing you. If you can see the top of Lincoln's head, you are ready for new tires."

Tire Rotation
"Rotating tires from front to back and from side to side can reduce irregular wear (for vehicles that have tires that are all the same size). Look in your owner's manual for information on how frequently the tires on your vehicle should be rotated and the best pattern for rotation."

A Tire Rotation Example
For maximum mileage, rotate your tires every 5,000 miles. Follow correct rotation patterns. 
a tire rotation example
Picture provided by the NHTSA website
I understand the trouble it takes and the time it takes to check your tires....a whole 30 seconds on each one....allowing 15 seconds to move to the next one.....THREE whole minutes and a penny. This reminds me of "I don't want to wrinkle my clothes so I don't wear my seat belt" reasoning. Imagine how wrinkled your clothes get from a car accident...or worse yet how damaged they get if the First Responders have to cut them off you.
Bad  tires can cause injuries that will take longer than THREE seconds to recover from.  Let's imagine you check your tires once a month for the entire life you drive.  Starting at age 16 and going to the age of 80.  This is 64 years of driving at 36 minutes a YEAR of precautionary measures is ONLY 2304 minutes which is LESS than TWO days of your driving life.  Now, if car accident injuries only lasted two days I would say, "ah, not worth it."  BUT THEY DON'T!!!  Car accident injuries can last a lifetime of recovery, pain and suffering....not to mention the emotional distress that can be caused if a life is lost in this accident. You and everyone on the road deserves to be safe....and for less than two days in your driving life you can help this happen.
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