Monday, August 6, 2012

Checking your brakes to keep you safe

Properly operating brakes keep you safe!

What can the "average" person do to stay safe behind the wheel when it comes to your breaks?  The answer reminds me of what we learned when we were have two ears for a reason.....the best thing you can do is LISTEN!

I have had this happen (before I knew what it meant), you are driving and you push the break and you here a squeal.  I have even had guys tell me "hey your brakes are squealing you better get them checked.  A squeal could mean your brake pads are thinning out and if they aren't taken care of you can get yourself in to serious trouble.  Serious trouble (meaning expensive and possibly deadly) is the "grinding" sound you hear.  When this happens your brake pads have worn completely down and now you have metal rubbing on metal.  When this happens it requires IMMEDIATE attention.

Now going further than "listening" you need to pay attention to how the FEEL.  You should not have to put the pedal to the metal when you are braking.  If you find yourself having to push the brake harder and further to stop than you need to have your brake fluid looked at or the brake line for any leaks. Earlier we talked about the grinding sound...this involves the rotors.  If you are braking and your brake pedal starts to shake or if you feel a vibration in the pedal it could mean your rotors need to be replaced.

Your braking system is ESSENTIAL to YOUR SAFETY and, in all honesty, everyone else on the road.  This video can show you what can happen if your brakes fail.  This was an accident in Moscow so you cannot understand what is being said....but if pictures are worth a thousand words than this video is worth a million.

Please drive safe!  Have your brakes checked every 10,000 miles OR every year, whichever comes first.

Please like Colorado Car Wreck | Your Auto Injury Clinic on Facebook or visit their website.

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