Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Back to School. Getting them ready and keeping them safe.

It is that time already.  
School Supplies
School Clothes

This time of year always comes with mixed emotions...Parents are happy that routines get back to normal but cringe at all the school supplies that they are required to purchase for their children.

I don't know about you but I do know that when I go into WalMart and see all the list of supplies that each grade must have I wonder how it got this way.  I may be dating myself but when I went to school we needed a notebook, pencil, rule, glue and occasionally we would need poster board for science.  I don't know how parent's afford their children going to public schools when they have more than one child.  Many of my friends who have 2+ children in school all say the same thing, "with the cost of supplies it's difficult to buy school clothes."  Many of my friends will not purchase some items on the list because of the cost.  I understand that the budget is down for schools and I have the utmost respect for teachers but how do parents do it?

The response from children about going back to school is usually dread....until that first day.  The dread comes from having to wake up early and function before 8:00 am.

Now is the time to start getting your child(ren) ready for this.

  • Start having them have that dreaded "bedtime" again and start making it earlier and closer to the time they will have when school starts.
  • Start having them wake up earlier and gradually work towards the time they will need to wake up when school starts.
  • If your child hasn't done much "school work" or "thinking" this summer get them back on track now.  Reading is a great way to get them prepared.
  • Talk to your children about safety going to and from schools whether they ride the bus or not.  The bus stops, puts out the stop sign for cars to stop but let's be honest....none of us are "used" to that so start talking to your child(ren) now about safety of getting on and off the bus.
  • If your child walks to and from school you can never talk to them enough about strangers approaching them.  Have a "code word" that only you, your child and anyone who would be allowed to pick them up would know. Here is the link to the Pueblo County Sexual Offender list.  Put your school and your home address in to see how many are in your neighborhood.  Want to see all of them in a nutshell go to this website.
Colorado Car Wreck | The Auto Injury Clinic is urging all drivers to please watch out for children in the upcoming months.  They will be walking, riding their bikes, getting on and off the bus.  Start today by watching for school zones and slowing down so when school starts the "lack of doing it" doesn't cause a child to by injured.  Let's make this a safe year going back to school.

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Please share any tips you have for getting ready for back to school

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