Monday, July 23, 2012

The way they USED to deal with pain

I am so glad I was born in my generation and not generation in the past.  What used to be done for pain, by today's standard, ARE CRAZY!!!

Lets first take a look at BC:  Opium was the drug of choice as we discovered by the Egyptian Medical Scrolls dating back to 1500 BC.  During this time another form of pain treatment was 600 Bolts of electricity first discovered in ancient Greece.

Let's not forget Leeches, 500-1500 AD!  They were applied to the skin to treat headaches!!!!

In the 1750's:  Who can forget kite flying Benjamin Franklin.  Yes, while out flying his kite he verified electricity.....did you know that he experimented with the creation of batteries also?  During this time they used batteries to send electrical stimulation to treat pain.
Early 1800's Morphine replaced Opium.

1874:  For those of you who thought marijuana just started for pain, guess again.  The cannabis plant was a "well regarded" way to treat headaches.

1882:  The Faradic Electrifier, which claimed to treat Rheumatism, Disease of the Liver, Stomach and Kidneys, Lung Complaints, Paralysis, Lost Vitality, Nervous Disability, Female Complaints which later the inventor, Kent was the first to be prosecuted by the FDA for false advertising.

1898:  Advertised by Germany's Bayer Company:  At least 10 times as potent a painkiller as morphine without any of the "addicting properties."  Can you guess what this was?      HEROIN!

I don't know about you but I am pretty glad I was not in pain during these times.  No wonder the average life span in the 1800's was under 40!!

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