Monday, July 23, 2012

The Secrets AFTER a car accident

Okay, so you have been in a car accident.  Here are a few secrets you HAVE to know before you say anything to anyone.

Insurance companies ARE NOT YOUR FRIEND!!  They will call you, and more often than not it is being recorded, to see if you are okay and to ask you a few "questions."  DO NOT AGREE TO DO THIS. Even the truth can hurt you later on.  Imagine a murder suspect in interrogations...the police are allowed to lie to the suspect in the hopes of a confession.  After the car accident you are now in this situation.  The insurance company will lie to you in hopes to get the answers they need.

Their ONLY GOAL, no matter what they say, is to 

If you are hurt you need to seek medical attention.  Keep in mind that not all injuries do not materialize right away.  It is essential that you seek a PROFESSIONAL and RESPECTED Doctor as your injuries can cause long term damage OR hurt your claim if not documented correctly.  If you are in Colorado I recommend Colorado Car Wreck | The Auto Injury Clinic.  Be honest with your Doctors...but be careful how you respond on the initial paperwork.  

Here's my oops that I want you to learn from:
By this....I strongly urge you not to answer the question "What are you doing for the pain?" with......."lots of alcohol."
Negotiations:  Lets be honest...we all think we can "get more" if we don't hire an Attorney.  
"Insurance companies will NEVER tell you to consult an attorney, because they know that if you hire an attorney, you will get more money, even after you pay the attorney, than you will get if try to negotiate with them yourself. Insurance companies will NEVER tell you that their negotiators and claims adjusters are often attorneys."  (The Washington Times
Did you know that Insurance Companies will often request your Doctor's summary to compare with other Doctors?  Did you know that they PAY other Doctor's to review your injuries to decide if treatment is necessary?  
Guess what the findings are......yep, treatment wasn't necessary.  
Don't get bullied by the Insurance Company!  Get medical treatment from an HONEST and REPUTABLE Doctor and/or clinic!  If you are in the Colorado area I highly recommend Colorado Car Wreck | The Auto Injury Clinic where they are there to help you through this terrible, painful, time in your life.....a clinic that can't be "bought" by the Insurance Companies.

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