Tuesday, July 17, 2012

My car accidents and injuries

I consider myself a "lucky" person....except when it comes to car wrecks.  I have been involved in two serious car wrecks in my life.  The first one I was about 24 years old and we were both ticketed for running a green...yes I said green light. 

I have to admit that 20 years ago technology wasn't as good as it is today....so I didn't get the care I "should" have and wasn't taken "care" of the way I should have been.  So be it.....I get on with life.....with still some of the same pain I received in that car wreck.

Six years ago.....I get into another car accident.  Yes the chances are pretty good that you or someone you know will be involved in a car accident.  Knowledge is Power, Learning is Experience.....so please learn from MY experience.

Not knowing any better I did the "typical" treatment for car accident victims which consist of x-rays and treatment.  Cost was not an issue as I carry excellent insurance....I just didn't know.  I go to a chiropractor I get treated....it helps me function but after 20 visits I'm passed onto another chiropractor.....20 treatments later I am sent for a MRI.  It was only THEN it was discovered my injuries were "worse" than what anyone thought.  (I have to be honest...I KNEW they were serious but nobody else thought they were).

I admit I did it wrong from the beginning.  It was three weeks after my accident that I couldn't move so I would have seen anyone to feel better.  I contacted a friend who referred me to my first chiropractor.  I didn't hire an Attorney to begin with, I wasn't hurt for the first three weeks so I didn't "need" one.  Treatment, passed off, treatment, passed off.  I did what we all do.....need a referral, call a friend.  I'm not going to say that is the wrong thing to do.  BUT...sometimes your friends should not be the one's to ask.  Had DMX been available to me......my life would probably be different today.

Digital Motion X-Ray is simply a type of fluoro-based x-ray system, coupled with new digital and optic technology, allowing clinicians to view the spine in real-time motion at 30 x-rays per second. The procedure is performed with the patient standing and actively moving in a weight-bearing position within the system.
DMX is a digital movie of an x-ray in motion and it can be:
* Printed and emailed as "still" x-rays;
* Stored on a hard drive;
* Recorded on DVD.

So, if you have to hear it from a friend, than consider us friends.  I want you to know that getting the BEST in the BEGINNING will make a difference in your life.

If you, or someone you know, has been injured call Colorado Car Wreck/ The Auto Injury Clinic at 877-779-9340 and get it done right from the beginning.  The staff there are wonderful, caring and will get answers for you in the beginning. 

I still have pain from both of my accidents.  I will always wonder if my injuries were discovered earlier.....

Tell me about your experiences after car accidents.   If you have ever used DMX I would love to know how different it was for you. 

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