Saturday, November 10, 2012

What is traction and how can it help you?

Traction is the use of a pulling force to treat muscle and skeleton disorders. 

Okay, that doesn't even sound fun and how can pulling anything help with pain and why would anyone need to do this?

Skin Traction:  Traction on a body part maintained by an apparatus affixed by dressings to the body surface.

Skeletal Traction:  Traction applied directly upon long bones by means of pins, wires, etc.,

Traction works if done correctly: the force of the pull is essential.  The patients age, weight and medical conditions need to a primary factor when deciding the type and degree of traction.  If it is done incorrectly it can cause pain and more damage.  

In this blog we are going to focus on traction for neck injuries.

If you have neck pain or headaches caused by neck pain traction can be used and be very effective.  There are two types of traction for necks:  
  • Manual:  When you have manual traction you will lie on your back with your head in the Doctor's hands.  (Get it....your pain is in your Doctor's hands).  The patient lies down on a table, and the Doctor uses his or her hands to pull the head away from the neck. While performing manual traction, the Doctor may re-position the head to achieve better results, moving it to the side or turning the head.  
  • Mechanical:   This form of traction for the cervical spine involves tension provided by mechanical means. A machine may provide the tension, or it can be a system of weights used with a harness or sling. Straps are placed on the patient's head, and then mechanical pressure is used to pull the head away from the neck and spine.  Another type of mechanical is a cervical collar is placed around the neck.  You press a "pump ball" to pump air into the collar.  The collar will begin to stretch your neck causing the traction.
By stretching apart the vertebrae of the spine, traction is believed to help relieve pain caused by worn spinal disks. Traction can free nerves pinched by compression between vertebrae.

There are some out there that say traction does not work and that some studies show that placebo traction shows the same results.

Having had traction for my neck I have to disagree with "these people."  When traction is done by an experience Doctor (and sometimes a physical therapist) it is a great way to relieve pain.  Here is the one down side to traction for the neck.  It is not a one-time fix.  When I started it I did traction (at home with the collar) three times a day and three times a week at the Doctor's office doing the manual traction.  Although it does sound time consuming it really isn't.  

Traction is a serious treatment.  If you are looking for results contact your Doctor.  Find an EXPERIENCED Doctor or Physical Therapist to perform the traction!!

If you are in Southern Colorado I highly recommend Colorado Car Wreck.

Please like Colorado Car Wreck | Your Auto Injury Clinic on Facebook or visit their website

1515 Fortino Blvd., Pueblo, CO  (Located inside Premier Back Rehabilitation)   

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