Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Long term effects of car accidents

Long term effects from a car accident can be devastating.  We have talked about the physical injuries that come from a car accident.  If those weren't enough we have all the other long term effects:

The emotional side of car accidents.  

  • Time away from work:  In today's economy losing time at work, losing your job, losing that paycheck can cause long term problems.  
  • You are off work with no income coming in but you still have to pay for the gas to and from your Doctor appointments and treatment.  With gas prices today this can cause more stress on you.
  • You aren't working so family time should increase, right?  Wrong.  When you are in pain those "little things" that you used to do are no longer possible.  You injuries and pain make taking the kids and the dog to the dog park almost impossible.  Family time, although you are home, will often suffer.
  • Stress and Pain cause stress and pain in relationships.  What you used to let "roll off your shoulders" suddenly become a fight.  
The old saying "Time heals all wounds" doesn't always pertain to car accidents.  Without treatment for your injuries time is often your enemy.  Some injuries you will never recover from...unfortunately they will be there your entire life.  

So what is the good news?  Getting treatment early can reduce the physical injuries and pain.  With less pain you will be able to lead a somewhat "normal" life.  The sooner you get treated the sooner you go back to work.  Healing takes time and that time starts when you take action and see a Doctor for your injuries.  

Car accidents cause stress in all aspects of your life. When you see you Doctor and learn what the cause of your pain is and get treated you are on your way to recover.  Remember not all pain is created equal and not all pain is easily discovered.  Find a Doctor who uses the latest technology and understands YOU and your pain.  

Please like Colorado Car Wreck | Your Auto Injury Clinic on Facebook or visit their website

1515 Fortino Blvd., Pueblo, CO  (Located inside Premier Back Rehabilitation)   

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