Friday, January 25, 2013

DMX: Injuries and pain that can change your life: herniated disc

You are in a car accident.  Everything seems okay, no serious injuries.  You exchange information and file a police report.  You obtain temporary transportation and schedule for you car to get fixed.  

You wake up the next morning and you are stiff and sore.  Okay, you were in a car accident, it's to be expected.  Two weeks can barely move.  What the heck?

You go to the Doctor and x-rays are taken.  You are now experiencing "tingling" or "numbness" in your fingers or hands.  

This is my story:

Pictured borrowed and owned by:  Laser Spine Institute
I thought I was fine until the pain happened two weeks later.  I couldn't adjust to the tingling in my fingers one day and the numbness the next.  After MONTHS of treatment I was sent for a MRI only to discover that I had an extruded herniated disc at C5/C6 and C6/C7.  It was explained to me in very technical terms which of course went over my head.  What I did learn and what I finally understood was this:  The "gel" that cushions the discs in my neck was extruding out and pushing on the nerves which caused my neck and arm pain plus the tingling or numbness sensation.  I went through months of pain and discomfort for something that could have been discovered much earlier had I know what I should have done.
I should have:
  • Gone to the Doctor immediately after my car accident
  • When the x-rays showed "nothing" wrong I should have insisted on a MRI
Pictured borrowed and owned by:  Laser Spine Institute 
Here's the thing:  As with all professions there are some out there that give the good Doctors a bad name.  I will not say that my Chiropractor was "bad" but I will say that it took too long for me to be referred out to get a MRI therefore took too long to be treated correctly.  I was treated and I did "feel" better; was able to stand up (the pain caused me to hunch over) and I was able to function, somewhat, normally...BUT my problem was not corrected or treated correctly until months later.
One problem I have is that at the time I went to a chiropractor I didn't know that I could be going to an Orthopedic Doctor.  I'm not saying chiropractors are bad I'm just saying I wasn't aware there is a difference.

My options were continue (correct) treatment, injections or surgery.  I opted for injections....met with the surgeon and was explained:  90% will find relief, 5% the injection will not help and 5% chance that it "may" make the situation worse.  Good odds, right?  Well, I fell into the 5% and since my injection have experienced a dull headache each and every minute of each and every day with days having excruciating headaches.

The point:  Find a Doctor who's first and only goal is to make you better, not file insurance claims.  Find a Doctor who wants to KNOW what they are dealing with from the beginning of treatment.  And lastly, ASK QUESTIONS!!  Any good Doctor wants YOU to know what is going on.   Be a participant in your treatment not an observer.  Find a Doctor who finds the injury...treats the injury not just the symptoms.  

Knowing is Power....Trust is dangerous if put into the wrong hands.  You need to trust your Doctor but only if they deserve your trust and involve you in your treatment.  

If you are going to a Doctor that still uses the standard x-rays your injuries may be missed.  What happens when injuries are are treated WRONG.  Often times your symptoms are treated and not the injury.  

Digital Motion X-Rays (DMX) can find injuries that the standard x-rays miss.  When you have DMX your injuries are discovered sooner which means your injuries are treated sooner....not just treating the symptoms!  

Don't settle for the old X-rays....choose Digital Motion X-Ray!  

Please like Colorado Car Wreck | Your Auto Injury Clinic on Facebook or visit their website.

Dr. Jere Sutton of the Colorado Car Wreck is a Board Certified Orthopedic Surgeon

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