Sunday, October 7, 2012

Post-traumatic headaches and/or migraines

Small car accident:  Big injuries.  I have talked about this before.  I can personally tell you that the injuries that you can sustain from a car accident can follow you forever.  

I never used to get "headaches."  Now I don't know what a day is like without one.  My injury: whiplash caused a major neck injury which has lead to my "headaches."  I use the quotation marks around the word headache because many tell me to "take an aspirin." Ah, if it was only that simple.  

The technical part of headaches after an injury:  (Provided by dcdoctor)
Cervicogenic headaches refer to headaches which originate from tissues and structures in the cervical spine or neck region. The headache is generally a very constant, strong, yet dull pain. The most common location of pain is around the orbital (eye) region and upper neck area but may also include other areas of the face, head and neck. The headache will typically last for one to three days and reoccur ever one to four weeks until properly treated. The headache may also be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, dizziness, ringing of the ears, and sensitivity to light and sound - similar to migraine headaches.
Cervicogenic headaches are caused by irritation or injury to the structures of the upper neck region, resulting in local neck pain as well as referred pain to the temporal and facial regions. This headache is often precipitated or aggravated by head and neck movements and by applying deep pressure to the muscles of the upper cervical area.
Chiropractic management of cervicogenic headaches is the best way to eliminate these headaches. Without addressing the problems in cervical spine the headache will continue to persist and worsen. Individuals should be warned that relying on analgesics to remedy cervicogenic headaches does nothing to correct the cause of the headache and generally worsens the headache in what's known as the "rebound effect".
This injury is often "overlooked" by the patient because we just assume a headache is part of the deal, right.  We complain about a headache....but our friends get tired of hearing about it and, as I said earlier, take an aspirin.  

If you have headaches that followed a car accident tell you Doctor!  It can be treated.  I will always have a "dull" headache unless I want surgery (which I'm doubting will happen).  Chiropractic management has kept me from the severe, blinding, "leave me the heck alone" headaches. 

Please like Colorado Car Wreck | Your Auto Injury Clinic on Facebook or visit their website.

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