Monday, September 10, 2012

What to do after a car accident

You have a trusted Doctor.  You have a trusted Attorney.  Now what?

Life must go best as possible.  If you were seriously hurt what do you do? 

If you have children you have to set up transportation to and from school, to and from school events and, in some cases, care for your children if you are unable to do this.  Gather your friends and family and enlist their help.  Set up a schedule so they can rotate any needs you may require.  Remember, everyone wants to help in the beginning but they have lives themselves so it's important to rotate them so it doesn't burden them.  I learned the hard way in the beginning I had too many and after a month later everyone went on about their own lives.  If you can get each person to do one thing than it isn't a "burden" on them and they will be willing to help you longer.  I know you are saying, not my friends and/or family and in some cases this is true but just be prepared and don't overburden just a few.

If you are physically able to drive.....but your car was also injured in the car accident you need transportation.  Check with your Attorney or your insurance policy to see if a rental car is covered until your car is fixed.  If you have a second vehicle you can drive than if a rental car is part of the deal the insurance company can pay you the daily amount directly.  Be careful on the car you get....if your vehicle was "hurt" also and it's a stick shift make sure with your injuries you can still drive a stick shift.  This was yet another lesson I learned the hard way.  My second vehicle was a stick shift and with my injuries it did not work safely for me.

Now pay attention to this:  Listen and talk to your Doctor.  Listen and talk to your Attorney.  Do not, I repeat DO NOT put your life on Facebook, twitter or any other social media.  A simple:  "Went to the park with the kids" can be turned to the insurance company's advantage.  

After a car accident you have to take care of you more than you have ever taken care of yourself before.  Don't "reschedule" your Doctor appointments because you "feel okay" that day.  Don't miss your appointment with your Attorney because "something" came up.  Don't NOT DO your physical therapy and DO listen to your Doctor and Attorney EVERY step of the way.

Anybody have any other suggestions of what not to do or what to do?  Personal experiences they would like to share?

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