Thursday, December 27, 2012

How to get a free ride on New Year's Eve

Some say that because New Year's Eve is not on a weekend there may be less people out drinking and driving.  I have to disagree with this.  

This year New Year's day falls on Tuesday (2012) so I look at the drinking and driving lasting from Friday night, December 28, 2012 - January 1, 2013.  This is a very scary thought!

The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety says that drinking and driving DEATHS increase by 150% over the New Year's holiday.  This number is staggering!  

I have always been concerned about going out New Year's Eve because I view EVERY driver on the road has been drinking.  ONE death caused by a drunk driver is ONE DEATH TOO MANY!!

It is TOO EASY to not drink and drive!!  Have a designated driver, call a taxi, call home and have someone come get you....there is NO EXCUSE for driving drunk.

The BAC that is considered DUI is .08!  That averages to about one drink per hour but this depends on YOU.  Have you eaten? What do you weigh?  What is your tolerance for alcohol?  Many factors come into play when it comes to whether you have had too much to drink.

New Year's Eve this year there are many opportunities to get a FREE ride home here in Colorado.  Some areas there are more opportunities but EVERY AREA HAS ONE....Don't drink and someone to come get you.

If you would like to know more about the FREE rides this New Year's Eve (in Colorado) click HERE for a list of ways to score a ride!

Please like Colorado Car Wreck | Your Auto Injury Clinic on Facebook or visit their website.

Dr. Jere Sutton of the Colorado Car Wreck is a Board Certified Orthopedic Surgeon

The truth about Back Injuries

Myths are usually get some smile out of them. Urban legends are even better.  UNLESS the Myths are about your car accident and your back injury. 

Information provided by:  Car Accident Facts:

Myth #1:   Your car has little or no damage how could you have hurt your back?  Some of the smallest car accidents have caused the biggest injuries.  I thing Insurance Companies have decided if your car isn't "hurt" than how can you be?  
Bumpers on most of our cars these days were designed to tolerate some impacts without damage. What the studies have been finding, is that although your car does not look damaged, the force of the other car hitting yours is now moving into your body, the bumper tolerates it, but the force still has to go somewhere, and you are where it goes.So, do not allow damage to your car or LACK of damage in any way inform whether you are injured. If you need treatment for back pain after a car accident, your pain is real and you should get the help you need.
Myth #2:  I had my seat belt on (didn't get thrown from the car) how could you have injured your back?
Well, it does actually, the seat belt is designed to prevent you from being thrown against the steering wheel which used to cause tragic injuries and it prevents you from being thrown out of the car.However, when you are in your seatbelt, and you are in an accident, you are often thrown against the belt. The seat belt sort of acts like a brick wall, when the accident occurs you are thrown against it, it tightens, and your body keeps moving around it, causing shoulder injuries, bruising and damage where the seat belt tightened against your body, and whiplash symptoms as your neck was not restrained.
Myth #3:  You weren't hurt right after the car accident, it's now three weeks later and you are claiming a back injury.
Your pain and your injury are just as real as the person who went to the hospital in an ambulance after a car accident. Injuries in your muscles and ligaments and tendons for unknown reasons can take a long time to show up.
Myth #4:  You are just "sore" take a pill (Advil, Ibuprofen, etc.) and it will go away.
Unlike other injuries you may have experienced, most small accidents can take up to 3 months with steady treatment before your pain starts to change. Ibuprofen can make the day a little more tolerable, but it's not actually a medicine, and can not help your muscles heal and repair their injuries.
Listen to your body, not the insurance companies, or friends, or family or whoever is trying to tell you that you aren't hurt because of any of the above.  Go to a trusted Doctor to find out exactly what is wrong.  Back injuries can cause many problems that you may not recognize as being a back injury (tingling or numbness of the legs, trouble breathing, etc).  LISTEN TO YOUR BODY!!  A back injury, no matter what the reason that caused it, can change your life forever.  It will change it more drastically if the injury isn't discovered and/or treated soon enough.  

Not all back injuries are the same.  Not all "identical" injuries will be received the same...what may cause one person "little" pain may cause another extreme pain.  Only you know your body and only you and your Doctor can treat your back injury.  Be honest, be patient and work your treatment.

Please like Colorado Car Wreck | Your Auto Injury Clinic on Facebook or visit their website.

Dr. Jere Sutton of the Colorado Car Wreck is a Board Certified Orthopedic Surgeon

Monday, December 24, 2012

The Story of Santa Claus

The Story of Santa Claus

A Christmas Story
(Author Unknown)

Once upon a time a man called Nicholas lived in Patara, a town in the East. Because he was very fond of children and was kind and generous to them, they came to think of him as their dear friend and their beloved saint. So it was that after a time the wonderful things he did were woven into a beautiful legend. You know that Santa means Saint and Claus stands for Nicholas, and that is how he came to be known as Santa Claus.

In Santa Claus's own town, Patara, lived a great lord who had three daughters. He was very poor, so poor that one day he was on the point of sending his daughters out to beg for food from his neighbors. But it happened that Saint Nicholas not long before had come into a fortune, and as he loved giving to those in need, he no sooner heard of the trouble the poor lord was in than he made up his mind to help him secretly. So he went to the nobleman's house at night, and as the moon shone out from behind a cloud, he saw an open window into which he threw a bag of gold, and with this timely gift the father was able to provide for his eldest daughter so that she could be married. On another night Santa Claus set off with another bag of gold, and threw it in at the window, so the second daughter was provided for. But by this time, the father had grown eager to discover who the mysterious visitor could be, and next night he kept on the lookout. Then for the third time Santa Claus came with a bag of gold upon his back and itched it in at the window. The old lord at once recognized his fellow townsman, and falling on his knees, cried out "Oh! Nicholas, servant of God, why seek to hide yourself?"

Is it not wonderful to think that this was so long ago, sixteen hundred years, yet we still look for the secret coming of Santa Claus with his Christmas gifts? At first he was said to come on his own birthday, which is early in December, but after awhile, as was very natural with Christmas so near, the night of his coming was moved on in the calendar, and now we hang up our stockings to receive his gifts on Christmas Eve. In some countries children still put their shoes by the fireside on his birthday. In others they say it is the Christ-Kindlein or Christ Child who brings the gifts at Christmastime. But it is always a surprise visit, and though it has happened so many hundreds or times, the hanging up of the Christmas stocking is still as great a delight as ever.

Please like Colorado Car Wreck | Your Auto Injury Clinic on Facebook or visit their website.

Dr. Jere Sutton of the Colorado Car Wreck is a Board Certified Orthopedic Surgeon

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Understanding Pain

Pain is not our friend.....
or is it?  

Let's face it none of us like pain but pain is an important part of our lives because where there is pain there is a reason for it.  When we feel pain it is our body's way of telling us that something is wrong and needs attention.

The reason pain is our friend is it will stop us from continuing something that could harm or further harm us.  A great example of this is placing your hand on a hot stove.  We only do this once because of the pain.  Now let's imagine our bodies didn't tell us anything...meaning no pain.  What would happen to your hand if left on that hot stove.

Let's take a look at some not so obvious injuries that cause pain:
  • Neck injuries include damage to the discs in your neck and can cause pain in your arm and hand.
  • Back injuries can cause pain in your leg.
Some pain symptoms include:
  • Tingling or numbness in the hand, foot, arm or leg
  • Headaches
  • Discomfort, soreness, tightness or stiffness
Pain that is not treated can lead to:
  • Depression
  • Fatigue
  • Weakened Immune System
  • Anxiety
  • Stress
What should you do when you feel pain?  See your Doctor!  What type of Doctor will determine what kind of pain you are in.  Always start with your Primary Doctor and if your pain is caused by an injury you are aware of: fall, car accident etc. get a referral to a board certified Orthopedic Surgeon.  
Pain Management Doctors Should (Pain Management):

  • Pain management professionals should be qualified and Board Certified.
  • Look for doctors and therapists who take a multi-disciplinary approach to make the widest range of therapies available to the patient.
  • A good pain management doctor or therapist should be friendly, understanding, and open to questions.
  • Pain management involves a team - look for professionals who work in conjunction with primary care physicians and experts in other fields.
  • Most of all, pain management professionals should approach treatment of pain with a positive and realistic attitude with the patient's needs in the forefront.

Please like Colorado Car Wreck | Your Auto Injury Clinic on Facebook or visit their website.

Dr. Jere Sutton of the Colorado Car Wreck is a Board Certified Orthopedic Surgeon

Sunday, December 16, 2012

The psychological side effects of pain medication

Pain.  It is one of the hardest things to "live" with.  Not only does it affect us physically but it affects us psychologically.  

Pain medication...sometimes it is a necessary evil.  We need it to control the pain and survive on a daily basis.  What happens when we take it too long and what is too long?

Let's look at what is too long first:  This depends on you.  As each person is different there is no chart that says you can take this medication this often for this long.  Often it is not discovered you are dependent on the pain medication until it's too late.  

The physical side effects of pain medication will vary from person to person but the most common side effects are: constipation; which can lead to bloating, water retention, and in severe cases intestinal obstruction.  Weight gain, urinary retention and erectile dysfunction are also side effects of taking pain medication.  So those of us who are in pain look at this list and although the list is serious we often will trade these physical side effects for a pain free day.

Okay so physical side effects won't stop you from taking pain medication so let's look at the psychological side effects which are often more severe.

Endorphins:  these are, in my opinion, one of the best things our body does for us.  Your body produces endorphins which are a natural pain reliever.  This is just one of the positive things that endorphins do for us.  They relieve stress, they increase sexual drive, they give us an euphoria feeling and much much more.

What happens when you take pain medication?  It inhabits the body to produce endorphins.  So we are taking pain medication (which could become addicting and cause us physical and psychological side effects) to stop pain...and our body produces endorphins to stop pain.

I'm not saying that pain medication should never be used.  I've had too many surgeries and a severe enough car accident that pain medication got me through some very rough days.  I'm saying that each person in pain needs to evaluate ALL options for pain relief before becoming dependent on pain medication.

Talk to your Doctor!  Ask your Doctor to refer you to a pain specialist; an surgeon is a great example of who you could be referred to.  Look at all your options...try everything because what may not work for another just may be the answer to your pain management.

Knowledge is Power.  It's time to take control of your pain.  Ask and try different pain management options before resigning yourself to a lifetime of taking addicting pain medication.

This information should not be construed as medical advise.  Please talk to your Doctor.

Please like Colorado Car Wreck | Your Auto Injury Clinic on Facebook or visit their website.

Dr. Jere Sutton of the Colorado Car Wreck is a Board Certified orthopedic surgeon

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Christmas stress and pain

Christmas is supposed to be a time of joy.  A time for family.  I time for love.

But if we were to be honest with ourselves Christmas has now become more stressful than it used to be.  Gone is the simple Christmas.  Now we overdo, over buy, over's just over the top.

There are so many reasons why Christmas is so stressful.  Some we do to ourselves and others we have no control of.

Here are some ways to reduce stress this Christmas:

  1. If you can't afford to buy it...don't:  Too many times we talk ourselves into buying "things" to put under the Christmas tree.  If money is tight set a budget and stick to it.  Draw names and have a limit on the price.  In our family, for the adults, we set a limit of $25.00.  I know this seems not very much BUT what it does do is keep the spending down AND makes the shopper have to think about the gift.  We have found we now give more meaningful gifts that took time to shop for.
  2. Hosting Christmas dinner is very stressful.  We worry about making it perfect and we worry about the cost.  If you are hosting Christmas dinner this year think about a potluck.  Provide the turkey (or main course) and have others bring the rest.  This will cut the cost of the dinner down and allow everyone to participate so the stress of cooking everything is taken off you.
  3. Who goes where and when.  I know in my family (all sides..because when you are married and your siblings are married there are many sides to a holiday).  Sometimes the stress of when, where and who is too much.  If this is the case in your family have an all day celebration so everyone can come and go when their schedule allows.  Christmas is on Tuesday this year so the weekend before would be a great time to allow all families to participate in your holiday celebration.  
Now let's look at stress that comes from "outside our control."

Pain.  I want to talk about pain over the holidays as there have been a few Christmas celebrations that I have been in pain and it made even the shortest of celebrations difficult.  I am fortunate to have a very understanding family that made it easier but for the person in pain it is difficult.

There is nothing more stressful for a person in pain than to participate in multiple holiday celebrations.  It doesn't matter how the pain happened it is there.  It never leaves.  There is nothing harder than to be "cheery" while you are in pain.  If you or someone you love has constant pain please be understanding and limit the celebration for them.  
  • If traveling causes more pain...have it at your house.
  • If the person in pain has to always be doing something....celebrate at someone another home so they don't feel like they have to make sure everything is perfect.
  • Keep celebrations short.  The longer a person in pain has to "entertain" others the harder it becomes for them.
  • Recognize the signs that the pain has gotten to extreme and excuse yourself.
Pain leads to stress and discomfort which will turn a happy celebration into a negative time.  Some who are in pain withdraw and some get angry...both can lead to an uncomfortable situation for everyone.  

Make the holiday special by knowing what can be done to eliminate the stress.  If you are in pain there are ways to reduce or eliminate your pain.  Please see your Doctor and ask for a referral to a specialist that can work WITH you and come up with a treatment for your pain.

If you are in Colorado I highly recommend Colorado Car Wreck | The Auto Injury Clinic no matter how your received your injuries.

Please like Colorado Car Wreck | Your Auto Injury Clinic on Facebook or visit their website.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Driving safely on ice and snow

I know, I's that time of year AGAIN.  We have to say goodbye to sunny days and start thinking about the cold.  Now is the time to start thinking about driving in the snow and if you have new drivers now is the time to talk to them about it.

BEFORE it snows:
  • Check your tires.  Make sure the tread on your tires are ready for the winter. 
  • Check your windshield wipers:  This is one of the things we don't think about until we need it.  It's just like your batteries in your smoke detectors...ALWAYS check/change once a year. 
I suggest you pick a month (depending where you live) right before you get....yes the dreaded "S" word...snow.  I choose September 11th every year because what better way to remind me of the importance of's my own "Homeland Security"

You wake up and it has snowed:

  • You don't have a garage and your car is parked outside at night.  It snows.  Ready for this odd tip:  Turn your temperature to hot, turn on your air conditioner (fresh air option) and set it on defrost.  This will help remove any condensation from the interior of your windshield.
  • Remove snow from your head and taillights.  Those are there for your safety and they won't help you if they are covered with snow.
You are driving on ice:
  • For those of use who grew up with antilock breaks we learned to pump our breaks.  Now cars do it for us.  When you are sliding and you press your antilock breaks you will feel the brake system pump for you.  This only works if you "stomp" on the break and gradually ease up on the break.
  • The dreaded "black ice."  Keep this in mind:  if it looks slick chances are it probably is.  It is better to be prepared for black ice and not have it than have it and not be ready.
  • Know where you are driving.  You drive to work, school, store all the time.  Pay attention.  Know where the areas on these roads tend to be worse than others and avoid those areas. 
  • If you do start to slide do not overturn.  Remember if you are sliding your tires do not have control so over turning will just face the car into the direction the tires are facing....which in a panic situation could be oncoming traffic.  Stay calm and don't overturn.  Slowly turn your wheels in the direction in which you want to go.
  • If you have a four wheel drive....understand that your four wheel drive is no safer on the ice than any other vehicle.  Think about slide because your tires do not have control.  All wheel drive, four wheel drive will often give the driver a sense of "security" which will often lead to an accident.
I know you don't want to think about icy roads, snow and what winter brings.  But every vehicle has someone in there that is loved.  When each of us drives safely than we are doing our part to keep loved ones with us.

Do you have any driving tips for ice and snow you would like to share?

Please like Colorado Car Wreck | Your Auto Injury Clinic on Facebook or visit their website.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Arthritis...don't let it stop you

It's that time of year that I hear people say their arthritis is worse because of the cold so I decided to look into it.  So I go to one of my favorite places:  WebMD:

"Did you know that there are more than 100 types of arthritis? Common arthritis symptoms of inflammation, pain, and stiffness are usually caused by degenerative arthritis (osteoarthritis). Other types of arthritis include rheumatoid arthritis and gout. No matter which type of arthritis you have, you need an accurate diagnosis before your doctor can recommend a program for treatment."

Over 100 types?  WOW!  I just thought arthritis happened when you got "old."  Now that I am getting old"er" I have started to realize that more of my friends have arthritis and they are not "old."   

"Osteoarthritis (OA), also called osteoarthroses or degenerative joint disease, is the most common type of arthritis. OA is a chronic condition characterized by the breakdown of the joint’s cartilage. The breakdown of cartilage causes the bones to rub against each other, causing stiffness, pain and loss of movement in the joint."  (The Arthritis Foundation)

I'll be honest I first thought that arthritis was just in the hands because that is what I would "see" people complain about.  As I get older (not old) I notice that my friends complain about arthritis in their knees?  

This makes sense:  Arthritis is a degenerative joint disease and my generation abused our bodies growing up.  We played sports...hurt or not.  We ran outside not in "specially made shoes" for running.  Without "dating" myself we just didn't have the knowledge growing up of what you do to your body today will hurt you later.  I remember running track, playing basketball, softball or volleyball and playing hurt because that is what you did.  You got through the game and iced it afterwards.  I have been fortunate that I haven't suffered from Arthritis yet but find many of my friends who are suffering.  

I have a friend who was hurt on the job and has had two surgeries to correct her injury. Her surgeon explained that her shoulder will see the onset of arthritis sooner than it would have "normally" because of the injury.  Looking at what causes arthritis this also makes sense.  

So what can you do?  Get to your Doctor to get an accurate diagnosis of arthritis and find a Doctor who specialize in this.  Each treatment is different as each person is.

Please like Colorado Car Wreck | Your Auto Injury Clinic on Facebook or visit their website

1515 Fortino Blvd., Pueblo, CO  (Located inside Premier Back Rehabilitation)  

Dr. Jere Sutton of the Colorado Car Wreck is a Board Certified orthopedic surgeon

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

How do you choose your Chiropractor?

So we have our Primary Doctor. We often have another type of Doctor; Dermatologist, Optometrist, Gynecologist, etc.

Do you know how to find a good Chiropractor? Do you know what Chiropractors do?
Let's look at the practice of Chiropractors:  According to the United States Department of Labor:
  1. What do Chiropractors do?  Chiropractors treat patients with health problems of the musculoskeletal system, which is made up of bones, muscles, ligaments, and tendons. They use spinal manipulation and other techniques to treat patients' ailments, such as back or neck pain.
  2. Where do Chiropractors work?  Most chiropractors work in a solo or group chiropractic practice. A large number are self-employed.
  3. What education does a Chiropractor have to have?  Becoming a chiropractor typically requires 7 to 8 years of post–high school study: 3 to 4 years of undergraduate education, followed by a 4-year Doctor of Chiropractic (D.C.) degree program. Chiropractors also must be licensed by their state.
Okay, we know what they do, where to find them and what they had to do to become a Chiropractor so how do we pick a good Chiropractor?  Is it the license on the wall?  Is it referral?  

According to Spine Health:  "When looking for a chiropractor, a good place to start is to ask your primary care physician or spine specialist for the names of chiropractors who appear competent and trustworthy. It also helps to ask friends, co-workers and neighbors for recommendations. Exercise caution however, because one person’s definition of a good chiropractor may be quite different from another person’s definition. In general, if multiple resources recommend the same chiropractor, chances are good that the chiropractor is reliable.  While recommendations can be valuable, it is also important to find a chiropractor who can meet an individual’s specific needs. Before starting treatment with a chiropractor, it is usually best to conduct a telephone interview or request an office consultation to find out more about how the chiropractor practices."

Sample Chiropractic Technique Questions (Also according to Spine Health)

Many of these questions about chiropractic care have no right or wrong answer, but having a better understanding of the chiropractic technique will allow the patient to better assess if there is a good fit, and/or will allow the patient to do further research about the specific chiropractic techniques.

  1. Which chiropractic techniques does the chiropractor use and why?
  2. Does the chiropractor use his or her hands or an instrument for the chiropractic manipulation?
  3. Does the chiropractor employ deeper, joint-popping adjustment or a low-force adjustment?
  4. How much experience does the chiropractor have treating similar types of problems as the patient’s? More experience that is relevant to treating the patient’s condition is better than little or no experience.
I want to stress on doing your homework BEFORE starting any treatment.  You want a Chiropractor who will LISTEN, UNDERSTAND AND WORK WITH YOU in your treatment. You want a Chiropractor that wants you HEALED not just treated.  I also want to stress you want to choose a Chiropractor who uses the latest techniques.  Medicine constantly changes and you want a Chiropractor who can and does change with it.  

When doing your homework research another alternative to a Chiropractor; an Orthopedic surgeon.  

Orthopaedics is the medical specialty that focuses on injuries and diseases of your body's musculoskeletal system. This complex system includes your bones, joints, ligaments, tendons, muscles, and nerves and allows you to move, work, and be active.

Once devoted to the care of children with spine and limb deformities, orthopaedists now care for patients of all ages, from newborns with clubfeet to young athletes requiring arthroscopic surgery to older people with arthritis. And anybody can break a bone.
Your Orthopaedic Surgeon:  Orthopaedic surgeons manage special problems of the musculoskeletal system. This involves:

  • Diagnosis of your injury or disorder
  • Treatment with medication, exercise, surgery or other treatment plans
  • Rehabilitation by recommending exercises or physical therapy to restore movement, strength and function
  • Prevention with information and treatment plans to prevent injury or slow the progression of diseases
While orthopaedic surgeons are familiar with all aspects of the musculoskeletal system, many orthopaedists specialize in certain areas, such as the foot and ankle, spine, hip or knee. They may also choose to focus on specific fields like pediatrics, trauma or sports medicine. Some orthopaedic surgeons may specialize in several areas.  (This information about Orthopedic Surgeons is taken directly from OrthoInfo)

Please like Colorado Car Wreck | Your Auto Injury Clinic on Facebook or visit their website

1515 Fortino Blvd., Pueblo, CO  (Located inside Premier Back Rehabilitation)  

Dr. Jere Sutton of the Colorado Car Wreck is a Board Certified orthopedic surgeon