Thursday, October 18, 2012

Are pain medications your friend?

You are in pain, for whatever reason.  You are prescribed pain medication and the pain goes away or makes the pain tolerable.

What happens when you have long term pain?  You continue to take narcotics so you can get through the day.  I am not going to discuss the addiction aspect of taking pain medication as you have heard all this before.

I want to talk about what happens when you take narcotics too long for pain.  

Whether it be Vicodin, Percocet or Oxycontin when you take these too long your body will think it is in pain.  What these narcotics do is trick your brain into thinking it is in pain so you take more.  When another pill doesn't work you take more.  When that doesn't work you go to your doctor and your prescription is changed because you have built up a tolerance for that particular medication.

Here's the problem.  You don't know what the problem just know you are in pain.  I am not saying that no one should take pain medication (I've had too many surgeries to say this).  What I am saying is if you are in pain for a long period of time you need to find out why and get to the bottom of it.  Work with your doctor or specialist to fix it...not mask it.

Don't believe me?  Go a few days without your pain medication.  I know you are thinking, ARE YOU KIDDING ME?  If you are off weekends stop on Thursday and see how you feel on Sunday.  If you are in pain take Advil.  Advil works wonders and few realize this because you don't need a prescription.  I cracked my rib cage many many years ago.  I did it again this last year.  It happened right before the weekend so off the the emergency room I went.  Ahhh percocet.  It worked the first few days but after that the pain seemed to be worse.  I followed up with my primary doctor and he said quit the percocet and take Advil.  (I always thought he was a bit crazy).  Well, I did.  No percocet just Advil.....and you know what?  The pain went away.  Yes, I still knew my ribs were cracked but the pain wasn't keeping me down anymore.  This situation is different than those where you aren't sure why you are in pain.  I knew my ribs were cracked the X-rays told me.  

You may KNOW your back hurts because of a car wreck.  You may have had surgery to correct this...yet you are still in pain.  You may have had a second surgery and physical therapy and you are still in pain.  So you are looking at a lifetime of taking pain medications.  

Go see a doctor with "fresh" eyes.  The above story is a true story.  When my husband changed doctors (not because his old one was a bad doctor) but when fresh eyes treat you they don't have your history guiding them.  

Pain doesn't have to ruin your life.  Pain doesn't have to control your happiness.  Pain can go away or be treated so you don't depend on narcotics.  Try it.  

If you are in Southern Colorado I recommend Colorado Car Wreck (not just for car wrecks).  Get a fresh pair of eyes looking at the whole picture.

Good luck and tell me your pain story.  Your story may help someone else.

Please like Colorado Car Wreck | Your Auto Injury Clinic on Facebook or visit their website.

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